American basketball star LeBron James is considered to have the greatest power among NBA players

After leaving the Miami Heat to join his hometown team Cleveland Cavaliers, LeBron James (born in 1984) recently surprised everyone by posting a slim and neat image of himself. In just a short time, the world’s top basketball superstar has lost weight rapidly.

Đây là bí quyết để có thể lực "trâu bò" như Lebron James | Bóng Rổ Việt Nam

His secret was recently revealed. To get back in shape after a summer of indulgent eating, LeBron James followed the Paleo diet, a type of diet that began to develop in the 2000s.

The key here is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates (simply understood as sugar, starch and fiber) in daily meals and when the amount of carbohydrates is limited to a certain level, the body will use ketone bodies (a type of substance). fat) to use as energy.

LeBron James’s main menu is cereal fiber (oats, bread, brown rice or popcorn), fruits, vegetables, beans and potatoes, while limiting refined grains. like pasta, white rice and white bread.

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Not only LeBron James, many other NBA stars such as Carmelo Anthony, Kobe Bryant, or Dwight Howard also pay special attention to appropriate diet and nutrition for each time to be in good shape. best.

For an athlete like LeBron James who is about to turn 30 years old, eating standards are even more important to be able to compete with the intensity of 82 matches in a season. That’s also the reason they always try to stay away from foods like fried chicken, pizza or fatty fries.

Until now, many athletes have always believed that they need a high amount of carbohydrates to produce energy to exercise, but the latest research by Jeff Volek, a professor at Ohio State, has shown the opposite and that LeBron James is the one of the pioneers along this path.