Was it Financial Need? Cam’ron & Ma$e Discuss Kobe Bryant’s Ring Auction

Cam’ron and Ma$e tackled a sensitive topic on the latest episode of ‘It Is What It Is’: the auction of Kobe Bryant’s first championship ring by his parents. They speculated that the reason behind it might be linked to the complexities of Kobe’s relationship with his parents.

Maurice Clarett, a guest on the show, offered his theory. He suggested the parents might need the money, considering Vanessa Bryant and Kobe’s estate wouldn’t be financially supporting them. However, Clarett admitted this was based on speculation and hearsay.

Cam’ron agreed with Ma$e and further elaborated on the troubled family dynamics. He mentioned Vanessa’s loyalty to Kobe, even through alleged infidelity, to highlight the contrast with Kobe’s parents’ disapproval of their relationship.

“Everyone knows Kobe wasn’t close to his parents because they didn’t like Vanessa,” Cam’ron said. He detailed how Kobe met Vanessa young and his parents’ disapproval. Despite their objections, Kobe remained with Vanessa, who eventually became his wife.

The conversation then shifted to Vanessa’s unwavering support. Cam’ron used the alleged infidelity as an example, stating, “She never cheated, but Kobe did. She stuck by him even though she could have gotten half his fortune in a divorce.”

Another former NBA player, Gilbert Arenas, offered a different perspective on his podcast ‘No Chill Gil.’ He speculated that Kobe’s parents might be facing financial difficulties. “The money wasn’t left to them,” he said. “They’re trying to make ends meet…This isn’t the first time they’ve tried to sell his memorabilia.” Arenas then warned parents who rely on their children financially, “Eventually, they cut you off.”

As of now, the ring remains up for auction on Goldin with a current leading bid of $141,000. It’s worth noting that this was a replica ring Kobe gifted to his parents, not his original championship ring. Sports Illustrated reported that Kobe’s parents first considered selling this replica ring in 2013, eight years before his death.