Jaxson Hayes warmly engages with fans during the Lafitte Greenway court mural dedication event on Saturday

Jaxson Hayes, known for his friendly demeanor both on and off the court, enthusiastically interacted with fans during the Lafitte Greenway court mural dedication event held on a recent Saturday. The event, which celebrated the unveiling of a new mural at the Lafitte Greenway court, provided Hayes with an opportunity to connect directly with the community and show his appreciation for their support.

Throughout the event, Hayes took time to greet fans, sign autographs, and pose for photos, creating memorable experiences for those in attendance. His approachable and engaging presence contributed to the festive atmosphere, as fans of all ages gathered to witness the mural dedication and celebrate their shared love for basketball.

As a professional athlete, Hayes understands the importance of giving back to the community and engaging with fans who support him and the team.

His involvement in events like the Lafitte Greenway court mural dedication reflects his commitment to making a positive impact beyond the basketball court, fostering connections with local residents and inspiring the next generation of basketball enthusiasts.